Thursday, March 26, 2009

There are days that I think Square-Enix wants us all to be Tarutaru...

Does Square-Enix even give a damn about melee classes??

I mean, don't mages have enough of an advantage over melee classes without basically making WHM over into an even more effective healer?

Does Square-Enix even want there to be such a thing as a Galka anymore?

Today, they basically came out with some of the fine-tuning of WHM, and they really bumped it up.

Enhancements based on the amount of healing done (or damage taken)...

They finally get Esuna...

And a probably AoE Cure that might not even require one to be in the party...

I mean, it really sounds to me as if their dream party would be six cute wittle Taru, 5 to burn, 1 to heal.



Buttons said...

It's ironic how everyone else is excited and happy about the update. Square-Enix is finally doing something right for once and yet we knew who'd be complaining again, you! Geez dude life is life and FFXI is a game we play for enjoyment, yet your general attitude towards the game as well as life in general is so negative. I've never met anyone as negative and pessimistic as what we read in your blog. It's kinda depressing...
Oh well, not that you listen to any views or thoughts other than your own anyway, just needed to be said.

Starcade said...

Buttons, all due respect:

It really appears as if the update is slanted, once again, to the mage classes (the word from FanFest was that WHM and RDM would get the two major upgrades this time around) and to those who basically can find trillions of people to make rude jokes at and all that stuff...

If you lined up all the mages on one side and all the melees on the other, the melees would be dead without one mage being struck. This game is so tilted toward the mages anyway that most other classes are there to meat shield the mages, who do all the dirty work.

If Square-Enix wants to "do something right", over and above getting rid of all the fucking cheaters, balance the fucking classes so that it's worth playing more than maybe four or five classes in the entire game.

Anonymous said...

*scratches cheek* Um... wouldn't you want to wait until maybe just before the April update to make this rant? The title of the "ZOMGwhmBEEFup!!" post was "Job Adjustments and Additions Part I". (^ ^;)

Gman said...

Slanted towards the mage class? Dirtbag go level Whm, Rdm, or Blm in 05 fast forward to now and use them for events or level them up. Notice something (not that you would because your a flaming idiot) Oh thats right Whm got a sleep spell and and and O wait magic damage got nerfed. This aint Wow where every class can do a little of everything. The frontline has been buffed to hell and back for over two years. While career mages waited there turn.

Taru? Are you so stupid you think being a taru gives you an advantage as a mage? I wont even bother pointing out here how backwards you are.

Starcade said...

Aerroenu: That may be the case, but, if you recall FanFest, you realize that they did say the two major jobs which would get updates this round would be RDM and WHM.

Even so, I think they have to significantly upgrade some of the melee classes to make them even remotely relevant in Vana'diel.

Gman: First, stick it all up your ass.

Second, to balance the classes, they either need to nerf magic strength further or significantly upgrade some of the other classes...

Unknown said...

Like a White Mage is remotely desired for a melee burn party...

How are the melees not relevant in FFXI? How are they not desired? How are they not powerful as it is? How are they not able to dish out the big numbers?

Reality check... that's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

As usual, I don't really understand what you actually want. WHM heals, that's it's main focus. It's not like they're making it some all powerful class that can do everything. Heck, the one job that suffers from that the most is RDM which you were lvling last I recall.

And if you had all the melees (like 13 jobs) vs all the mages, mages would get raped beyond belief unless the melees were totally braindead, lol.

Personally I think the balance is pretty ok as it is. Melees excel at certain things, mages excel at certain things. Heck, mages just act as slaves to make melees look better most of the time, lol. There's no glory being a mage pretty much, it's just grind.

Starcade said...

Tarothin: Melees excel at _WHAT_?

Kimiko: WHM is there to clean up any mistakes which result in damage.

My point, though, is that mages are far imbalanced-ly superior to melee classes pretty much across the board.

Take a look at the realistic usefulness to most of Vana'diel of the jobs, and about the only job which doesn't really play into the mages is NIN, and that's for the shadows.

Anonymous said...

Ah-ha... yeah, I didn't really keep up with the recent FanFest news. Thanks for the pointer.

But, wouldn't the one job where tarutaru have more of an anvantage over other jobs is BLM? Sure, Tarutaru have the MP pool of your rich neighbor's tennis court-sized indoor swimming pool (and the HP pool of a drop of water), I was always under the impression that elvaan could vie against tarutaru as WHM (bigger MP pool vs. higher MND stat). Oh, well. *shrugs*

Anonymous said...

Melees excel at meriting, zerg fights, nyzul, certain endgame events (einherjar comes to mind). Even dynamis, yeah you could maybe manaburn it but it's generally infinitely easier and probably faster to have more melees and 1-2 parties of blms depending on zone.

And I think there's a slight mixup in that Kimiko's talking about melee burn and you're probably talking about manaburn. WHM is pretty much 2nd class mage for melee burn and totally unrequired for manaburn.

Unknown said...

Are you serious?

WHM gets jack shit as far as endgame is concerned, and for the most part it is a thankless job. It's considered inferior to RDM for virtually everything other than HNM fights and Raise 3.

It's time WHMs got some love. Let them enjoy it, since it will probably be years before they get it again.