Saturday, July 18, 2009

Two very important things for you all to do this weekend...

1) If you are on Second Life at all, my roommate and literally hundreds of other people are doing the Online Relay for Life event, raising funds (actually, the completion of a long campaign of fund-raising) for the American Cancer Society.

It starts at 10 AM today (Saturday, 7/18/09) and goes for 24 hours.

Cancer doesn't just kill the people who get the disease. Cancer kills the spirits of those around them too. It's one of the reasons that, when people get the opportunity to work on raising funds to beat cancer, you see a lot of wonderful efforts being made. (Which see the recent ESPN Radio "V Foundation" auction for the Jimmy V Foundation (1-800-4-JIMMYV) and the "Extra Life" initiative, which a second one will be done this October.)

2) I know this has been mentioned several previous times on the TTTO, but I'm following the efforts of The Speed Gamers ( in their efforts to raise $20,000 for Autism Care and Treatment. They completed Final Fantasy I in about 8 hours or so, and are now in the 13th hour of a week-long marathon of speed runs for the Final Fantasy series.

Check out both of these online charity gaming events. Please.

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