Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Some days, it's just not your day...

Dareyl of Siren, I'm sorry.

And to the others who were working on Black Coffin, ditto.

I forget what the guy's name was, but, just after the end of the maintenance this morning, someone was shouting for work on the Black Coffin for ToAU.

(Don't be surprised if you see a lot of summoners getting ToAU done -- the two new avatars both require completion of the entire ToAU mission line to get the quests to get the avatars.)

So, anyway, I decide to get involved and help Dareyl (who's in the LS)...

First, a Puppet in Peril group is quickly forming, and that's where I am on the ToAU storyline.

Second, it takes quite a while for us to get the 6 the group leader feels is required.

Then, I find out I need that fracking coin from Caedarva again...

And THEN, we get a last minute switch to another player who needs Black Coffin and was near the Cutter...

After THAT: A job switch forces someone to forget their necessary food and some of their equipment -- emergency move back to Whitegate and more waiting...


The sun comes out full-force in Riverside and my home network ceases to recognize that my computer is on it (and forget trying to run a wire, people -- it won't work here!!), so I drop completely...

Just not my day... VNM group, anyone?

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