Sunday, January 25, 2009

Flamage Part Six: And _HE'S_ the one who's laughing?

He wants to point out my blog post and laugh at it when he's the one who committed fraud, cheated, got his ass banned, etc.?

I've got a blunt question for the fan base...


Is that what you _want_??

If I were Square-Enix, I'd shut this damn game down because of the attitudes I'm reading.

I mean, who are you trying to kid?  YOU got banned.  YOU got nailed.  Don't expect any respect from the legitimate player-base, MogKnight.

1 comment:

Starcade said...

To both of you: Make me shut the fuck up. My blog, my character. Don't like it? I don't care. You have your three options. You want me to shut up? Come to Riverside, CA, and take your best shot. Seriously.

You pro-cheating bastards can all go play with yourselves on WoW for all I care. Get off "my game". You want to know why there aren't enough new players? YOUR attitudes. YOUR pro-cheating idiocy. YOUR actions.

I'm right -- you're wrong. Why? Cause I'm still playing, and the people you kiss ass to (if not you yourselves) aren't.


Ah, that was a catharsis. Now, let's see if "Greg" had anything else to say that was worth anything...

I don't have to "look for some pussy" (though I found a different type of it. I found all the pussy(ies) I can find with all you pro-cheating idiots. Why don't you take a stand and play fair for once in your life?

It's your actions, your attitudes, and your belief systems which will kill this game, and have already severely wounded it in comparison to WoW.

I reiterate an earlier position: The only reason "seriously dude no one gives a shit about ur rants" (had to put that through the "another 25 year old punk that needed some more smacking down" translator) is because most of the prominent players appear to be in 3 camps: Cheaters, those who support them, or those who encourage cheating.

Who runs this game: The players, or Square-Enix? I think, frankly, I might not want to know the answer in the opinions of most of the players.

I'm angry because their actions in the virtual world impact the virtual world -- but even more so because I see that as how they act in the real world. What kinds of shortcuts do you think some of these people take in the real world?

I won't shut the fuck up unless you do something to shut me up. YOU WAKE THE FUCK UP!!