Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another big day to flip cheaters off!!


Just today alone:
  • Finished capping 99 PLD, making that 10 jobs fully capped and merited (and no FC parties, no Astral Burning, none of that illegal shit).
  • Got my Mog Bonanza marbles.
  • Caught the new music and Rune Fencer material on the Adoulin site...
Like the idea on Rune Fencer.  Was kinda joking with myself of the possibility of RUN/DNC and basically pissing off Comeatmebot and others while singing "Walk This Way" to myself...  (Look closely for the joke.)

But this job seems to have quite a bit of versatility to it!   Some interesting mechanics too.  Like an enhancement of Swordplay that goes away if you take a critical hit?

Should be fun in about four weeks.

Oh, and one more thing I did tonight:
  • Relic #2 complete.  I now have a Mandau.
I'll drink BluGartr's tears with that one tonight.


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