Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I continue to be amazed at the stupidity, this on the part of Square-Enix...

So, let's see what the world of Vana'diel has going for it today...

Fusionx of Pet Food Cheater finally asks if there's going to be a Fan Festival this year.

What the fuck have you guys done, as a player base, to deserve one?

And, frankly, if there were to be one, it'd probably be accompanied by me going off on an Evening News-level situation against said player base...

So, suffice it to say, I don't think there's going to be any more Fan Festivals until XIV comes out (and probably the next one being a launch-of-XIV one).

And then, the BST and SMN updates...

SMN, you are NEVER getting any more avatars (which see the same question on deserving as I gave on the Fan Fest thing).

The effects are OK, but will probably be tweaked significantly downward once people learn how to exploit the shit out of that.

BST update? Basically, we (under certain parameters) can get to choose which special ability goes off, with "charges", when we call a jug pet.

I can see it, but, as with a lot of other things XI lately -- way too little, way too late.

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